


dextercd 2 hours ago
One time I used Power BI/Power query language to generate an Ed script that contained all versions of all XML documents in a database and turn them into a Git repo.

I still like writing scripts that generate Git repos but I don't use Ed much.

sedatk 2 hours ago
vi was originally the visual-by-default run mode of ed. And EDLIN on MS-DOS (and maybe CP/M too? don't remember) was based on ed too. That's why EDLIN and vi have similar command sets.
snvzz 2 hours ago
TIL about Rosetta code[0].

And I can't help but wonder what the license of the code in the site is.

If it isn't BSD0 or some similar attempt at preemptive public domain, what is even the point of such a thing.

0. https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Rosetta_Code