Yes, with full audio. It's about one gigabyte of data. On a system where the typical game size is no more than a couple hundred kilobytes, and your CPU only has three 8-bit registers for you to do any calculation with.
and my understanding is that you can upload an animated GIF to it... I just added making a "bad apple" GIF for it to my Kanban board though I don't know how much memory the device has and how well I can get it to work.
(Sometimes that part where Remmy Scarlet spreads her wings still makes chills go down my spine)
For the rectangle minimization problem: your problem seems to differ from the one discussed on StackOverflow in that the SO thread discusses partitioning into non-overlapping rectangles, while your Vim project allows overlap.
I wouldn't be surprised if your problem turns out to be much easier to solve optimally.
The parallel candidate solution generator is such a good idea, but it usually takes me a long time to realize I do not need to make the uber algorithm. Just one-more-tweak, and I know that I can make this solution work in all cases!
I remember watching the Soccer World Cup 2006 at work. I logged in my home server via ssh and could watch it in the terminal.
Not enough bandwidth for something else.
Bad Apple but it's 6,500 regexes that I search for in Vim
( points by vortex_ape 12 January 2025 | 61 comments
- Bad Matrix (tput blocks to the terminal):
- Animating Text Art in Javascript (print text into fixed grid, flipbook-style):
- oxo (format and print tic-tac-toe board to terminal, so I can regex-match for win/loss/draw results):
But, I mean, that Bad Apple takes the cake!
(edit: add missing link)
Here it is running from my Everdrive.
Yes, with full audio. It's about one gigabyte of data. On a system where the typical game size is no more than a couple hundred kilobytes, and your CPU only has three 8-bit registers for you to do any calculation with.
and my understanding is that you can upload an animated GIF to it... I just added making a "bad apple" GIF for it to my Kanban board though I don't know how much memory the device has and how well I can get it to work.
(Sometimes that part where Remmy Scarlet spreads her wings still makes chills go down my spine)
Also, I really like how footnotes are implemented in this blog. I guess I'm gonna steal it.
I wouldn't be surprised if your problem turns out to be much easier to solve optimally.
There are some really interesting ones, like running Doom on a pregnancy test.
It's drawing in Vim, but not pattern matching.